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  • ... over one hundred panoramic photographs and ten documentary video performances. The stereoscopic panoramic images include photos... PLACE-Turkey (YER-Türkiye) takes participants on an embodied journey through a virtual landscape of panoramic photographic scenes and cinematic...
  • ... spaces and digital prints. We also have produced experimental videos, multimedia and musical CDs, software products, acrylic... PLANCTON was founded in the 1994 by a group of three artists (Annunziato, Pierucci and Gemma de Julio) and started the activities with a series...
  • ... making the soundtracks to all of his works historically. Video: Date : 03.03.15 Map point : eilean 33 ... with John Supko (Cotton Goods). He has been active as a media artist, making the soundtracks to all of his works historically. ...
  • ... avec un ensemble de 250 images tridimensionnelles. La société Videosystem (Nicolas Boutherin, Hervé Tardiff) a optimisé cette base de... L'enregistrement vidéo a été réalisé spécialement pour ARTIFICES 2 dans les studios de Videosystem à Paris, le 18 septembre 1992....
  • Autoinducer_Ph-1 -
    ... assumed roles of part time symbiont and part time parasite. Video projections which display evolution of the GCS graphic... rice shoots, contrast strikingly with the computer-generated artificial chemistry molecules of the GCS. Organic / Synthetic...
  • ... piece. It combines interactive computer graphics, laser disk video and slides with interactive sound which takes approximately... part performance - was created at The Banff Centre for the Arts in Canada, in collaboration with Michael Mackenzie. It is an...
  • ... Video: Nalini Malani, In Search of... Heimat Indien aufmerksam machen. Der Bruch zwischen dem zarten Schattenspiel und der harten Kritik macht die Poesie ihrer Kunst...
  • ... the Internet is searched in real time for latest text, image, video and sound informations. Four projectors and eight audio speakers... visitors maybe. Each request enables us to join and actively participate in the social movements of our time. Visitors can search for...
  • ... and facilities distributed over its nine floors. A prerecorded video from the point of view of a person climbing the stairs between... opportunity to program various contents that could range from artworks by faculty and students to straightforward information...
  • ... artist who has also created a number of commercial video games. In addition he has worked in television, music... Toshio Iwai is a Japanese interactive media and installation artist who has also created a number of commercial video games. In addition he has...