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  • Pathway B
    Pathway Series. 29" by 23", 2000. Algorithmic pen and ink drawing on paper with 2 gold leaf elements. In this work the "all-over" distributions are linear random walks with numerous iterations. The text-like inscription is an
  • Pathway 1
    Pathway Series. 29" by 23", 2000. Algorithmic pen and ink drawing on paper with 2 gold leaf elements. In this work the "all-over" distributions are linear random walks with numerous iterations. The text-like inscription is an
  • Mixed-reality installation with live and virtual performers, encountered via the smartphones of the visitors. Real and virtual situations come together, and micro-narratives emerge, based on shifting degrees of presence, traces of daily gestures and
  • As a researcher, I am particularly interested in the role of the expanded narrative (as incorporating an active created or controlled space, cross-disciplinary collaboration and/or multi-sensory engagement, and an active audience encouraged to
  • La Machine à idées -
    Sur un site de vente de produits high tech, la possibilité offerte au visiteur de participer à la conception de nouveaux produits avec l'aide active d'une interface de création, cataliseur d'innovation. conception: Maurice Benayoun design:
  • Professor Eleanor Gates-Stuart’s professional practice extends a variety of experience, particularly in research and teaching leadership, relating to the sciences, technology, communication and arts, working in partnership with major research
  • Tamsyn Gilbert is a PhD candidate at The New School for Social Research and cofounder of New Criticals. Tamsyn has a Masters in Media Studies and Sociology and is currently working on her dissertation. She has worked in various roles at The Museum
  • LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial presents HOMO LUDENS LUDENS, an international exhibition and conference examining play as a principal element of today’ s world, and highlighting its necessity for our contemporary societies. Following
  • Lung Shan II, 1990, 72" by 24" Pen & brush plotted work on paper. Click here for detail, left section The work above includes reversed mirror brushstrokes echoing the distribution of pen strokes. With each pen stroke derived from the same
  • I am an Australian Artist and Transdisciplinary Integration Expert Working Across Academia, Cultural and Private Sectors. Focussed on Augmentation Aesthetics, Bio-Digital Entanglement & Interactivity, Food Futures & Sustainability. I currently