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  • Davies, Char. Virtual Space In Space: In Science, Art and Society, edited by Francois Penz and Gregory Radick and Robert Howell, 69-104. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
  • Misiano Viktor and Taillade François. Olga Kisseleva, catalog,. Paris: ISTHME, 2007.
  • Event: Brain Factory PrototypeInstitution: Centre Culturel François VillonComment:
  • Ed Tannenbaum was an Artist in Residence at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, Art Institute in Chicago, consulted and developed traveling shows with the Fleet Science Center, consulted with Atari, Sony, 3DTV Corp., Tom Tit’s Experiment in Sweden,
  • Jürgen Trautwein is a German born interdisciplinary artist working in a variety of forms, including new media and hypertext web-works, performative temporary interferences, installations, land-art, sound art, animation and classical forms such as
  • Event: Quarxs à la Brain Factory: Dialogue between Maurice Benayoun and François SchuitenInstitution: Machines à dessiner à l'heure du numérique, Musée des arts et métiersComment:
  • Algorithmic Visualizations" consists of images created directly from mathematical equations that have their origins in image processing algorithms used to enhance or analyze digitized images. This approach consists of rule-based processes that
  • EZTV Media
  • Maciej Wisniewski is an internationally respected digital artist and pioneer in network art. His art projects: netomat (1999), 4 Stories With a Twist (2004), 3 Seconds in the Memory the Internet (2002), Instant Places (2002), Streaming Conscience
  • Goldberg, Ken and Barak Pearlmutter. Using Backpropagation with Temporal Windows to Learn the Dynamics of the CMU Direct-Drive Arm In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1988.