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  • ...Jack Holmer and the aesthetic of affect In search of technological Affective Poetics, the artist wanders the form, trying to visualize that which lacks connection, interaction and support. This happens in the Stratosphere, in Physical Mountains, in Virtual Worlds,...
  • ...Philosophy Bachelor, Madrid Autónoma University (UAM), Fine Arts PhD, Barcelona University (UB): "Robotics as Artistic Experimentation. A Historical Approach to the Evolution of Automaton Machines from the Perspective of the Aesthetics". Currently, he is professor at...
  • ...80 Catherine Ikam has been working on the concept of identity in the digital age, themes of identity and appearance, the living and the artificial, and the human and the model. In collaboration with Louis Fléri she has produced virtual reality installations in which...
  • ...Levy, Steven. Artificial Life - a Report from the Frontier Where Computers meet Biology. London: Vintage, 1993.
  • ...Ray, Tom S.. Evolving Complexity In International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics Proceedings, : 1996.
  • ...Ray, T. S.. Using Artificial Life to Create Parallel and Networked Processes through Natural Evolution In NCJSAI´94 (Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence), : 1994.
  • ...Rinaldo, Kenneth E.. Technology Recapitulates Phylogeny: Artificial Life Art Leonardo Electronic Almanach 31, no. 5 (1998): 371-376.
  • ...1960 - born in town Yaroslavl, Russia; 1984 - graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute; - an artist, poet, author of many art-projects; - an inspirator and organiser of various communication creative societies (KEPNOS, Group of Unknown...
  • ... of digital technologies on our way of thinking and on our perception of the body and space. Following his studies in art history, philosophy, and painting in Berlin and in media art with Peter Weibel in Vienna, his work as an independent media artist...
  • ...Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Interacting with Artificial Life: A-Volve Complexity Journal 2, no. 6 (1997): 13-21.