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  • ... Bellas Artes. Facultad Alonso Cano, Universidad de Granada. Beca... Espacio MeBaS, Museo de Bellas Artes de Santander. ...
  • ... he and his familyimmigrated to Canada under political refugee status... WITH GEORGE LEGRADY:What are your current projects?At this time, we... For each of the panels I used 3 photographs, astarting...
  • ... information about the EMDL can be found in:... start with a question about your latest artwork. In... (2020) invite the users to explore thephysical and virtual...
  • ... background projection. As we can imagine, it was a completely new... 1994, which still fascinates young and old alike.3 The themes of... ortransience, but it was also used for proving originality and...
  • ... embodiment is realized, and can only be realized, in conjunction... „The Performative Interface: What you get is what you did Notsee”.... history to the emergent use of digital...
  • ... day, onerole that an artist can assert is to expand by diversity,... Kac: Transgenic Artist” YouTube, 9. Dec.... organic life formsthrough the use of genetic engineering techniques...
  • ... and hardware. Enigma of a Stone can be seen as herfirst interactive... International Online Congress” YouTube, March 20,... pediatrician and in the ‘70s he used an electronic stethoscope toamplify...
  • ... the full range of digital art can be monetized with respect tohow it... are your current projects?Well, my main... at the time. The first time I used the term publicly was for an AV...
  • Acentria
    ...Event: AcentriaInstitution: YouTubeComment:
  • ... in the City v02 is on Acevedo’s Youtube Channel:...