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  • Event: Victor Acevedo: Digital Prints • Video: 1985-2019 •May 9, 2019 to June 1, 2019Institution: Los Angeles Center for Digital ArtComment:
  • Jacquemart, Christian. Victor Acevedo, Cyber-Artiste Creation Numerique , no. 12.2 (Summer 1994).
  • On the occasion of this exhibition, Acevedo updated his artist statement. It was quite brief but yet an articulate recapitulation of the enduring core values of his work. It spoke to the deep and long artistic journey he had traveled to this point....
  • Victor Acevedo is an artist best known for his digital work involving printmaking and video. Since 2007 his primary focus has been working with video and producing (electronic) visual music works. As an ongoing practice, Acevedo issues images as...
  • Peraica, Ana, ed. Victims Symptom - PTSD and Culture. INC Readers, Amsterdam: Institute for Networked Culture, 2009.
  • Inspired by the "Industrial Revolution" and the subsequent changes in human development brought about by that revolution. A path that has and will lead humanity to both heaven and hell. I wanted to try to capture the paradox of this duality by making...
  • Vice Box -
    This very small, pocket size, sculpture allows the viewer to build his own portrait based on his sins and vices.
  • Vice Box -
    Event: Vice BoxInstitution: Josza GalleryComment:
  • Vibrational States -
    Event: Vibrational StatesInstitution: Museum of Modern Art of Bogotá — MAMBOComment:
  • Bennett, Jane. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Vol.1. ohn Hope Franklin Center Book, 1 th ed.United States of America: Duke University Press, 2010.