Archive Search

  • ... Spain, Portugal, UK, Mexico, Colombia, Canada,...
  • ... from borders express of our vision of the...
  • - is a data-mining and database project in two parts: 1. A search function: it searches web sites and library catalogues for words which signify the"big" questions of philosophy, religion, and science. It stores the words and
  • ... they can be used to express content, form and...
  • Al GRANO: Corn Regime -
    ... of maize growers in Mexico – center of origin,...
  • Time Capsule -
    "Time Capsule" is a work-experience that lies somewhere between a local event-installation, a site-specific work in which the site itself is both my body and a remote database, a simulcast on TV and the Web, and interactive webscanning of my body.
  • ... Mexico: Museo de Monterrey, ...
  • ... tecnológica EXIT Express , no. 31 (November...
  • Reality Sucks -
    A site-specific telescope that manipulates reality.
  • Presentation of the artist's work at a public show and tell lecture. [source:]