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... Oliver. Immersion and Interaction. From circular frescoes to interactive image spaces”. [].
...Van der Meulen, Sjoukje. Image-ability: Another Reading of Bildgeschichte," in James Elkins, ed., Farewell to Visual Studies, pp. 218-222....
...Malina, Roger F.. Digital Image - Digital Cinema: The Work of Art in the Age of Post Mechanical Reproduction In Digital Image, Digital Cinema:...
...Paulsen, Kris. Image as Place, The Phenomenal Screen in Kit Galloway & Sherrie Rabinowitz’s Satellite Arts 1977 Leonardo Electronic Almanac 19,...
...Moore, Lila. Spiral and Waves — The Female Image and Identity in Experimental Films and Videos by Women Filmmakers, Choreographers and...
...kel, Felice. Envisioning Science: the Design and the Craft of the Science Image. Cambridge, MASS: The MIT Press, 2004.
...Brea, José Luis. Las 3 eras de la imagen - Imagen-materia, film, e-image. Madrid, Spain: AKAL, 2010.
... and magickal system through the complementary lenses of AI image-generation and AR (Jul 2024): 232-239.
... ed. "Digital Technologies, Visual Research and the Non-Fiction Image" in Advances in Visual Methodology. Vol.Advances in Visual...
Curator: José Ramón Pérez Ornia; Artists: Marina Abramovic, Chantal Akerman, Max Almy, Julián Álvarez, Richard Angers, Ida Applebroog & Beth B, Eugènia Balcells, Irit Batsry, Robert Breer, Brothers Qualy (Stephen y Timothy Quay), Carl Browm, Robert