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  • ... physicality of the body because of the gravity rules), is the work of Seiko Mikami, “gravicells - gravity and resistance” (2004),...
  • ...A multidisciplinary artist working or inspired to the subject matters related to the surroundings. Works simultaneously between panting,...
  • Light/Depth -
    ... skateboarders can skate on. The desire to have an art work for skaters, this sculpture was made as a public art even though...
  • Recombinant Figure -
    ... 1 monitor colour, silent An interactive single monitor work with one computer, using simulated recombinant genetic...
  • ... is an artist specialising in data visualisation. Koblin’s work has been shown at international festivals including Ars...
  • ... stairwell of Felix Meritis. In other exhibition spaces the work usually occupies a specially constructed completely dark room....
  • ... Jeffrey Shaw. Graduated from the Media Studies at Buffalo, he work closely to other artist to create art-engineering, VR, interfaces...
  • Variations -
    ...Variations ( Elliott Carter ) photographic, self-animated work for the browser, 2008. Variations ( Elliott Carter ) was commissioned by...
  • ...Herwig Weiser is an interdisciplinary artist who work collaboratively. His long-term investigation of the relationship between electronic...
  • Cheap Imitation -
    ... Duchamp was of course an inveterate re-user of existing works of art. In "Cheap Imitation", Rokeby has cut up Duchamp's...