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  • ... into the scenery. Participants select one of the floating words using a touch screen or...
  • ... (Toshiharu Itoh, NTT-ICC museum) for pioneering the use of natural interfaces to create a...
  • Run Motherfucker Run -
    ... an interactive installation whereby anyone in good physical condition may try his or her...
  • "Music Plays Images x Images Play Music" is a multi-media concert that uses the system of Toshio Iwai's piano piece and visualizes a musical performance by Ryuichi Sakamoto in real time. The idea for this collaborative performance has its
  • Protrude, Flow -
    ... images, especially computer generated ones, in such media as TV or cinema. Of course, the...
  • the new work is an enhanced version of the audiovisual installation data.tron, where each single pixel of visual image is strictly calculated by mathematical principle, composed from a combination of pure mathematics and the vast sea of data present
  • ... the world I live in. I am not limited to one medium, style, or concept. I believe that form...
  • ... in the darkness and seemingly unaware of one another. The abstract tones of the soundtrack...
  • Triggerhappy -
    ... whose format will be familiar to anyone who has encountered that early arcade game,...
  • Plasm: Not a Crime -
    ... on all the pieces and only use the ones that match. We have visualized this process...