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  • ... with since 1995: how to "imagine" a navigable... computer game, the visitor embarks on...
  • ... social roles that we play through our functions or... and children's games. Internet found-footage...
  • ...a Game Mod as a Virtual Museum --- in cooperation with...
  • Made In China -
    ... of the most famous plays in all of classical...
  • World Wide VIP -
    ... international credit card. One sculpture condenses...
  • After Tomorrow -
    ... a slide projector shows them one slide of one... one slide of one hundred. 2. The Divine Comedy...
  • Can you see me now? -
    ... allow the public to play on the streets using... version of the game might allow the public...
  • Extruder -
    ... it has figured out how to control us, becoming... Making hundreds of Play-Doh cars. Millions. The... Emulate it. Making hundreds of Play-Doh cars....
  • Pabellon Macondo -
    ... role in One Hundred Years of Solitude,...
  • ... in the computer game 'Tomb Raider.'...