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  • the beehive -
    ... is a internet based project creating a web of thoughts. 32 animated and/or interactive text or text-picture plates are connected, interwooven through honeycomb like interface. The plates (plateaus) represent general messages, partly reversible, about...
  • Vid-A-Feeba -
    ... of chaotic systems showing quick change in the visual patterns depending on the bifurcation points. The sound is deeply connected with the image changes so the visual bifurcation correspond to the sounds bifurcation. Manipulating the process...
  • Stanze -
    ... is able to analyze the scene, to detect the movements and to codify they in terms of action on the image and to play sounds connected with the movements of the observer. On the screen the artists superimpose predefined images with that ones of the...
  • ... two participants, one plays the role of Romeo and the other Juliet. The two subsystems are located in two separate rooms and connected by a LAN. Each participant stands in front of the screen of his/her respective system wearing specially designed clothes to...
  • ... and their displays come to life. The displayed light pattern symbolizes information flowing between the cubes. All connected cubes form a simple data network, and depending on their placement, different dynamic light patterns appear on the top...
  • ...In TRANS-E digital technologies provide us with an electronic ritual. Bodies connected by interfaces dialogue with computer electronic memories and can experience "virtual hallucinations" in real time. These "hallucinations" are managed by neural networks which...
  • ... reality in OUROBOROS is related to Brazilian rituals and the desire to incorporate animals receiving their powers. When connected, we reach another level of being: that of the reptile, live among snakes, what means to stimulate life in some level of...
  • ... to make the sounds full the empty of the space by creating a heart landscape. Technically, I added the osciloscope connected to amplifiers and used the flux of electrical waves to visualize the cardiac sound traces inside the art space. The cube...
  • ... and augmented reality (AR) immersive environment supported by commodity based clusters of low cost PCs that can be or not connected to the internet. These reconfigurable immersive cube with multiprojetions AR and VR systems are also named Pocket CAVEs....
  • Cyber Necktie -
    ... the user can create and produce, in real time, his own personalized design of the cyber cravat. The installation can be connected to a network. The user can create and order his personalized cyber cravat also on line, via internet. To select on the...