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  • Eurographics 2005 -
    "In 2005, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, will play host to Eurographics, the 26th annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics. Eurographics is the leading international organisation purely devoted to the needs of
  • Public Messages -
    Typed sentences has been collected by people I met and I’m actually meeting in chat for two years. These sentences are not picked up from conversations but they’re written thoughts near the avatars, substantially they have the same function, they’re
  • ARTEC 95 -
    Three main categories emerged in ARTEC '95: 1. sculptures and environments emulating life or protolife; 2. portraits and interpretations derived from the world at large; and 3. performances and displays of invented image. The Biennale continued to
  • Light objects Series 'Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU)' The term "to see" is often used in common speech synonymously with "to understand" or "to grasp". The phrase ,"If I'm seeing this correctly," is used to signify understanding in consensus with
  • Chen Yun-Ju is a New Media Artist from Taiwan. Her interests include art and technology, philosophy, interactive media, and embodiment. Her work spans multiple fields including video, installation, and performance art to express personal emotions
  • Website: Ana Jofre obtained her PhD in Physics from the University of Toronto, did Post-doctoral work at NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) in Gaithersburg Maryland, and taught -and did research - at the
  • Andy Lomas is a mathematician, digital artist and Emmy award winning supervisor of computer generated effects. Cellular Forms is the latest part of Morphogenetic Creations: a series of work which explores how complex organic structures, such as
  • ARTEC 89 -
    The theme of the Biennale is 'the possibility for art and technology: high technology art as modern art, computers and artistic expression, high technology art as a means of expression, high technology art in urban environments'. It offered and
  • ARTEC 97
    The theme concept of the Biennale is 'THE GARDEN: The Successors to Eden', the Biennale proposed the idea of a 'meta-garden': the environment of the near future and unconscious landscapes concealed in close and familiar spaces. The main contents of
  • Max Hattler is an artist and academic who works with abstract animation, video installation and audiovisual performance. He holds a master's degree from the Royal College of Art and a Doctorate in Fine Art from the University of East London. His