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  • NetSpace -
    ...Exhibition of the artist's work "Recombinant Icon" as part of this...
  • ... means of electronic image. The work comprises five modules that...
  • la huella -
    ... cm La huella is a generative work that evolves in a loop of...
  • ...Light object The work was conceived for the Printscreen Festival in Holon, Israel....
  • Second Promenade -
    ... literary and philosophical work of Rousseau and describes aspects...
  • ... encompasses five bodies of work. Each set of work has been produced...
  • ... and speed, and voluntary pauses of the computer mouse, as it... film and sound projections, 21 works of net art (2005 - 2020), complex...
  • ... exhibition of his digital work at Los Angeles Center for Digital...
  • ... arena. Since that time his work has become more and more...
  • ... by 24" Pen & brush plotted work on paper. Click here for...