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  • Taken -
    transmediale.07 with its theme "unfish!" analyses the artistic processes open for variation and reversion of choices once made. The festival has its focus on the point at which fixed things are put into motion again, and asks for the meaning of
  • Day of the Figurines -
    Day of the Figurines is funded by the European Commission's IST Programme. It is part of the 'City as Theatre' workpackage of the IPerG project, a large European consortium led by Blast Theory, SICS - Swedish Institute of Computer
  • London Dig
    London Dig is composed of four 42 inch plasma screens arranged in a rectangular array of two by two screens, creating a larger single image. The imagery displayed on the screens derives from numerous bird's eye views of the City of London, centred
  • This work involved a rewiring of Block 72E, which used to be a dental centre in Tanglin military medical camp. About 4 years ago the plug was finally pulled on Tanglin Camp, a former colonial military installation. The plumbing, electrical and
  • PerformanceInsideOut was a 3hour non-stop physical and virtual performance event with 9 live and beyond performances. Remix, new media, nodes, antiestablishment, micro, underground, multi, rhizomes are some of the themes explored in this event. The
  • Site-specific installation (La Cittadele, Saint-Tropez) plexiglass (150 x 200 cm), resin, light projection, sand 'Working with nature, Uršula Berlot sets out to discover its underlying principles, subtly intangible yet overtly percpetible. Her
  • Jennifer McCoy and Kevon McCoy. Stop Motion. Oldenburg: Edith Russ Site Foundation, 2006.
  • Liquid Eden is a java-based Web project that visualizes the collective mark of networked communication. Gardens have both a symbolic and personal relevance to the project. As a frequent subject of landscape painting, they have been used to
  • The Mechanic of Emotions is an art opera in 15+ parts each part can be a statement, an event, an installation, an object, a concert, a performance, a web site, a business... the Mechanics of Emotions (M-E) try not to tell the story of the
  • mission of art -
    Site-specific light installation The light installation 'mission of art' is a temporary intervention on the façade of the building of the Akademie der Künste [Academy of Arts] in Berlin, for the occasion of the opening of the Academy's new location