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  • ... prosperity, many of the less valued stories will lose their physical...
  • ... line with the requirements of total visualization that surrounds us...
  • FLUflux -
    ... progressive) changes in the total numbers of passenger traveling...
  • Der Wald
    ... the infinity of gaze leads to a total loss of perspective." Anna...
  • Preghiera -
    ... to join hands around this totally contemporary and technology...
  • ... another. Based on the RGB color values of each individual pixel, two...
  • Between 0/1 - video
    ... by altering the numerical values of geometric shapes such as a...
    ... the ever changing images onto a total of ten screens. These projection...
  • FIRMAMENT - video
    ... of the virtual world, makes the total perception of the environment a...
  • ... and representation were totally innovative in the fusion with...