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  • Exit Strategies -
    Exit Strategies H Queens, 80 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong 28.02.2019 - 30.04.2019 Curator: David Chan Artists: Chloe Cheuk, Silas Fong, Lee Kit, Linda Lai & the Floating Projects Collective, Map Office, Tsang Kin-Wah and Tamás Waliczky
  • The Formula of the Present - Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants New Budapest Gallery Tamas Waliczky's "Adventures of Tom Tomiczky" computer animation will be part of the exhibition. organizer: Center for Culture & Communication Foundation Curators:
  • Bense, Max and Elisabeth Walther, ed. Einige Mathematische Elemente der Kunst. Band 37, Stuttgart: Edition Rot, text 37, 1968.
  • The Visual Orchestra -
    The Visual Orchestra (2006/2007, 2 minutes, digital animation with original soundtrack) Using color and form, an original music score comes to life. The Visual Orchestra explores relationships between audio rhythms and visual rhythms through the
  • Kac, Eduardo and Eric Vos and Johanna Drucker. Key Concepts of Holopoetry In Experimental - Visual - Concrete: Avant-Garde Poetry Since the 1960s, edited by K. David Jackson, 247-257. Amsterdam; Atlanta: Rodopi, 1996.
  • Shock Absorber -
    In "Shock Absorber" a live feed is taken from broadcast television and separated it into two parts in real time. One part contains all the movements, edits and high frequency visual stimulation. The other part contains everything that is left over
  • Immersive film, specially designed for a fulldome environment. Multiple 3D landscapes modulated by female voices. The physical absence of the performers is materialized here by the pairing of the spatialization of their litanies to the movement of
  • Sculptor's dream: a virtual world, with Donald Blevins, David Smalley, and Noel Zahler. The Fifth Biennial Symposium for Arts and Technology, NewLondon, CT (1995).
  • This installation is asite-specific work in progress. A colour surveillance camera has been mounted outside the gallery on a computer controlled pan/tilt mechanism, allowing it to see most of the surrounding gardens. Every day since March 28, 2001,
  • Immersive film, specially designed for a fulldome environment. Multiple 3D landscapes modulated by female voices. The physical absence of the performers is materialized here by the pairing of the spatialization of their litanies to the movement of