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  • Rambona -
    ... symmetry, high contrast, and the actual burning of the edges of the prints. (Siggraph)
  • Sakrileg -
    ... are detecting if the ball comes to close to the surface's edges and drive the motor accordingly. The machine offers the...
  • ... reasonable floor space is needed. All the robots will see the edges of the canvas and turn around automatically i.e. they are roped...
    ... the in-between states experienced in daily life, from the edges of seeing and hearing, the moments between sleep and...
  • The Meadow -
    ... is real-time, full motion video of a different view: the four edges or corners of a meadow as seen from a central vantage point. It...
  • ... the ceiling at 1/2 meter intervals, was used to establish the edges of the perceptual field of the system's camera and its...
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    ... of the tube, transformed into a depthless field by the curved edges of the plastic space.
  • ... points = pixels = windows, lines and diagonals = levels and edges, and surfaces = the facades. These shapes are displayed in...
  • ... on each of its six walls and throughout all the corner edges and angles. When positioned in the center, the cube is aligned...
  • Two Women -
    ... fluidity and malleability of images, their ultimate lack of edges, the uncertainty of where they begin and end, reflected my sense...