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  • ... artist working in a variety of forms, including new media and hypertext web-works,...
  • Beyond Hierarchy -
    ... Industries represented by the workers include the steel and ammunitions factories of the...
  • Equivalents II -
    ... text. Optional large scale images include the "News Series" consisting of generated...
  • Emergentes
    ... críticas, algunas maduras y otras incipientes. Curador: José-Carlos Mariátegui ...
  • Mobile Feelings -
    ... virtual touch and body sensations which include smell and sweat. Specially equipped...
  • Soft Cinema - video
    ... and architecture. Its manifestations include computer-driven installations and films,...
  • Smart Tools -
    ... a doctor uses many kinds of tools to incise body tissue, like scalpels, scissors, etc....
  • ... eroticism. Using a variety of texts which include Persian poetry from 598 A.H.; Sappho, a...
  • ... and subliminal stimulus with particularly incisive images (1/30 sec). The doubt increases in...
  • ... Amiga dealer who also sold peripherals, incloding the new user based HP inkjet printers....