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...Blast Theory is renowned internationally as one of the most adventurous artists' groups using...
...Dr Sean Clark is an artist and curator, the Director of Leicester arts company Interact Digital Arts,...
...Peraica, Ana. Culture of the Selfie: Self-Representation in Contemporary Visual Culture. Theory on...
... of electronic media artworks examining the association of new media with supernatural...
... Studies, Seminar in Experimental Critical TheoryInstitution: University of California...
...Event: Theory and Practice of Media Art: Aesthetic Parergons and PerspectivesInstitution: National...
... of real and virtual space? How can the development of complex communication spaces,...
... Formed in 1987, CAE's focus has been on the exploration of the intersections between art,...
...Event: Seeing Double: Emulation in Theory and PracticeInstitution: Guggenheim MuseumComment: