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  • Legal Tender -
    Legal Tender (1996) was the first Internet telerobotic laboratory. Visitors to were presented with a pair of US$100 bills, one real the other counterfeit. Users could perform experiments on the bills by registering with an
  • I am an Australian Artist and Transdisciplinary Integration Expert Working Across Academia, Cultural and Private Sectors. Focussed on Augmentation Aesthetics, Bio-Digital Entanglement & Interactivity, Food Futures & Sustainability. I currently
  • Acoustic Environment -
    A collection and exhibition of a disparate yet representative array of machine sounds, analogous to the collection and display of zoological 'samples'. Developed in colaboration with Gary Warner.
  • Silvers Alter took the form of a large projection of 22 men and women. This population of people was changed - or evolved - by the audience's presence and movement within the gallery space. When the audience selected a person, information
  • Solve et Coagula is primarily an attempt to give birth to a new life form: half digital, half organic. Through a multisensorial, full duplex sensory interface the installation networks the human with an emotional, sensing and artificially
  • Gates-Stuart, Eleanor and Marguerite Bramble and Rafael de Lima and Bernard Higgins and Coralie McKenzie and Samantha Dowdeswell and Robert Lewis. Evoking Memories: Displacing the Fear of Technology Fusion Journal 016 (2019): 23-35.
  • Jaroslav Vančát, Ph.D. New media artist – multimedia art, digital art, computer art, interactive art, visual structuralism, conceptual art, video art Associate Professor at universities in the Czech Republic, new media, visual arts and creativity
  • OP_ERA ist an immersive and interactive interface designed for multisensorial experimentation of space concepts. Conceived as a virtual reality environment, this project focuses on research and development of scientific and artistic models of space,
  • Database of Provincial Life uses digital computers to accomplish a task which was impossible to achieve using any previous representational medium: documenting EVERYTHING which happen to EVERYBODY who lived in the 20th century. By focusing on the
  • Prophylexis -
    Kapton material was developed in sixties by Dupont, a chemistry american company. From the very beginning it was one of the main used materials by aeronautics industries for it´s hot and radiation isolates properties what was become in the ideal