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  • Curators: Olga Shishko and Elena Rumyantseva Participating artists: Tanya Akhmetgalieva (Russia) The Blue Soup (Russia) Alexandra Dementieva (Russia/Belgium) George Drivas (Greece) Omer Fast (Israel) William Hooker and Phill Niblock (USA) JODI
  • Fax transmitted from Chicago to: - "City Portraits: The Suburbs", fax exchange with group Art Reseaux, École Municipale D'Arts Plastiques, Rosny Sous Bois, France, 1990 - "The Globe Show", fax exchange with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery,
  • Fax transmited from Chicago to: - "City Portraits: The Suburbs", fax exchange with group Art Reseaux, École Municipale D'Arts Plastiques, Rosny Sous Bois, France, 1990 - "The Globe Show", fax exchange with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery,
  • R&E
    Fax transmited from Chicago to: - "City Portraits: The Suburbs", fax exchange with group Art Reseaux, École Municipale D'Arts Plastiques, Rosny Sous Bois, France, 1990 - "The Globe Show", fax exchange with British artists, Oldham Art Gallery,
  • Independent art critic and curator, researcher in contemporary art and new media. PhD in Information and Knowledge Society, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and Bachelor in Art History from the University of Barcelona. He has developed his
  • The video work stillalive is a commission for the Kunsthaus Graz and the exhibition ‘Faking the Real’. The concept was to produce an artistic edit of a specific three-minute excerpt from John Carpenter’s film ‘They Live’. This approach corresponds
  • Kac, Eduardo. Télescope intérieur. France: Atelier Marie-Sol Parant, 2017.
  • Event: Mignonneau, Laurent, Sommerer, Christa, ”Art and Complexity“, Lecture at Art et Biodiversite Symposium, Museé de La Poste, Paris (France), 14.03.2011Institution: Musée de la PosteComment:
  • Event: Sommerer, Christa, Mignonneau, Laurent, "Rencontre avec Mignonneau/Sommerer", Lecture at PARIS ACM SIGGRAPH, Paris (France), 07.01.2014Institution: Paris ACM SiggraphComment: