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  • During the past seventeen years Czarnecki's work has centred on ways of exploring and expressing ideas generally based around the human, the physical, biological and psychological. More recently her work has been concerned with investigating the
  • SKIN - video
    SKIN is an interactive installation, in which visitors have the opportunity to use a GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) interface, which measures their skin's moisture. The variations of these values are an indication of psychological or physiological
  • Travis, Rebecca. On Sylvia Grace Borda's Camera Histories Scottish Society for the History of Photography (June 2016).
  • Travis, Rebecca. On Sylvia Grace Borda's Camera Histories Scottish Society for the History of Photography (June 2016).
  • RADIANCE. The International Research Platform For Virtual Reality Experiences in Art
  • Ouija -
    Ken Goldberg is one of the pioneers of telematic works, and "Ouija 2000" is not only a playful stab at the idea of global mind through the nostalgia of a Ouija board, it introduces important elements of real-time collaboration. "Ouija 2000"
  • Exodus
    The Exodus Project was a "virtual tele-performance" during Ars Electronica 1995 and brainchild of Michael Bielicky, a Czech-German New Media artist determined to replicate the biblical trail of the prophet Moses. This site is the Net result of
  • Strom, Jordan. Shifting Perspectives: Sylvia Grace Borda. Vol. Canada: Heritage House Publishing and Surrey Art Gallery, 2020.
  • Strom, Jordan. Shifting Perspectives: Sylvia Grace Borda. Vol. Canada: Heritage House Publishing and Surrey Art Gallery, 2020.
  • Strom, Jordan. Shifting Perspectives: Sylvia Grace Borda. Vol. Canada: Heritage House Publishing and Surrey Art Gallery, 2020.