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  • March -
    ... images on large monitors, one on a tower at the top of the ramp and one underfoot. The monitor underfoot shows a map of the virtual and potential image landscape. Images in March include dramatic scenes-notably of the angel on his mission to prevent...
  • ... feedback schemas in cybernetic theories, interaction with artificial intelligence agents, embodiment, telepresence and virtual reality, as well as selfhood and affect in relation to wearable technology.
  • ... UK's leading artists working with digital media. For the past decade the collision between the real and the artificial or virtual has been a key area of investigation. Collins works across public, gallery and online spaces. Works include In Conversation;...
  • HAZE Express - video
    ... linked to interaction will always provide new and unique image elements that become part of the semi-realistic and semi-virtual trip through data landscapes. Interaction/Genetic Selection : Sitting in one of the HAZE Express ?s comfortable chairs...
  • ... motion to search and to eradicate my physical body leaving only my avatar soul to meander aimlessly in the networks of the virtual forever.
  • bubbles -
    ...Interacting with virtual bubbles is quite just walk in front of the projectors light beam and cast your shadow onto the projection screen. The bubbles will recognize this shadow and bounce off its outlines, at the same time emitting certain sound effects....
  • ... “movement” of an electron. This project delivers an aesthetic and immersive experience that places the viewer inside the virtual superposition of a sub-atomic particle (i.e. its field of probability). This audiovisual experience establishes a metaphor and...
  • ... of the National Science Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia. Hertz continues to create collaborative intermedia works. The virtual reality installation, “Fools Paradise,” created in collaboration with composer Stephen Dembski, toured international venues...
  • me & u -
    ... viewer's proximity. The project entailed concept research in the realm of empathy and aesthetics involving encounters with virtual persons; it is the result of digital image capture & manipulation, physical interaction design, software design, motion...
  • ... Artaud (San Francisco). Packer is a writer and scholar in new media, most notably the co-editor of┬áMultimedia: From Wagner to Virtual Reality┬áand the author of his long running blog:┬áReportage from the Aesthetic Edge. He has written extensively for...