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  • February 29, 1993 v02 -
    ... You see, 1993 was not a leap year. There was no 29th day that year. The source... produced on an IBM PC with final image processing and editing done on a Macintosh IIci in...
  • ... Media-Art, Writings, Mediatheory Themen: Medien und Kommunikationstechnologie,...
  • ...Looking beyond the alarmist scenarios of environmental, social and economic catastrophes to be expected... question isn't that of how to avoid these processes, but to examine the need for a...
  • ...In a time characterised by the loss of utopia and by major social and political change, creativity was... visitors were able to initiate creative processes together; in the workshops held at EMAF...
  • ...Through video essays and photography, the exhibition MASCHINENSEHEN [MACHINEVISION] documents the... as well as the sites where the new processes are applied. In addition, it shows a...
  • ...Shimohara, Katsunori. Information Processing based on Life-like Paradigm Journal of Information...
  • ...Sutherland, Ivan E.. The Ultimate Display In Proceedings of International Federation of Information... International Federation of Information Processing, , 506-508. : 1965.
  • ...Baler, Pablo. The Doors of Expression: The Work of Art in the Age of Quantum Processing Power... The Work of Art in the Age of Quantum Processing Power Sculpture 21, no. 4 (May...
  • ...The landscape is not just the natural environment or its representation. It is in itself a cultural... which is dominated by technological processes and scientific research, and thus can...
  • NEoN Festival 2017 -
    ... NEoN Festival invites you to examine the origin and understanding of digital arts... handmade and machine made, to look at the processes of making in the context of strong...