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  • Massumi, Brian and Toni Dove. The Interface and I: A Conversation Between Brian Massumi and Toni Dove Artbyte Magazine 1 (Feb/March 1999): 30-37.
  • Massumi, Brian. Brian Massumi´s Technotes Artforum Bookforum supplement (November 1994): 28-29.
  • Penny, Simon. 2000 Years of Virtual Reality In Through the Looking Glass, edited by Janine Cirincione and Brian D´AmatoNew York: Jack Tilton Gallery, NY, 1993.
  • Brian Mackern (Uruguay) is a new media artist, developer and designer of digital and hybrid net based art projects since 1995. Musician, composer and developer of autogenerative and reactive sound visual structures and environments. His art practice
  • Working with computer based arts since the late 1960s. There should be humour and politics, at least sometimes, in art. Especially the humour and politics of digital art. I think art should be a more or less systematic enquiry whose goal is
  • Lilley, Brian and Philip Beesely, ed. EXPANDING BODIES: ART - CITIES - ENVIRONMENT. Halifax: Riverside Architectural Press and TUNS Press, 2007.
  • Casares, Nilo and Giselle Beigelman and Laura Baigorri and Brian Mackern and Lila Pagola and Gustavo Romano, ed. Netart latino database. Vol.1. 1ª th ed.Badajoz, Spain: MEIAC, 2010.
  • A series of photographic prints on linen: a table cloth showing the image of a dinner serving , a window curtain showing the image of a venetian blind, a sheet hanging on a line showing the image of bedsheets hanging to dry, a dress showing the
  • Massumi, Brian and Rafael et. al. Lozano-Hemmer. Urban Appointment: A Possible Rendezvous With The City In Making Art of Databases, edited by Joke Brouwer and Arjen Mulder, 28-55. Rotterdam, NL: V2_ Publishers, 2003.