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  • ... of the world, is beyond...
  • For Making of Eve Clone Documentation I series, I overlap both head and hand part of Leonardo Da Vinci’s manuscript with the line sketch and grid of Eve Clone’s head and hand part in order to accentuating the golden ratio of Eve Clone. Although
  • video, 7.40’ The video Bodyfraction parallels microscopic images of fragments of the artist’s body (tooth enamel, skin, nails, hair etc.) with recordings of drawings and light-sensitive objects created on their basis. Drawings were digitally
  • Tina Sauerlaender (she/her) is an art historian, curator, speaker and writer. She holds a PhD from The University of Arts, Linz, Austria. The title of her dissertation is PERFORMING IDENTITIES. Self-Representation in Art from the Renaissance to
  • The Value of Art are interactive paintings dealing with the economy of attention and value creation in the art world. When we look at prices of artworks at auctions, they often seem incomprehensible. Competing art collectors betting against each
  • 2012. Inkjet prints on coated paper, dimensions variable. Life-sized pictures of people found on Google's Street View were printed and posted without authorization at the same spot where they were taken. The posters are printed in color on thin
  • Run Motherfucker Run -
    Run Motherfucker Run is an interactive installation whereby anyone in good physical condition may try his or her luck in a city of empty streets, disserted intersections, ominous alleyways and unexpected obstacles. When you take position on the
  • The two internationally renowned media artists and researchers based in Linz/Austria have been active as an artistic couple since the ‘90s and have especially pioneered in the field of interactive media art and exlporations of artificial life.
  • London Dig
    London Dig is composed of four 42 inch plasma screens arranged in a rectangular array of two by two screens, creating a larger single image. The imagery displayed on the screens derives from numerous bird's eye views of the City of London, centred
  • Interactive installation Emotion vending machine, music, internet The Emotion Vending Machine is the 12th act of an opus including 15 acts : the Mechanics of Emotions. The emotion vending machine is displayed like a vending machine for drinks