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  • YOU FADE TO LIGHT Commissioned by Philips Royal Electronics / Milan 2009 ‘You Fade To Light’ is is an interactive media installation that provokes a kinesthetic dialogue between the viewer and their very own mirror image. The work encourages
  • Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien, ed. Über Wasser. Museum auf Abruf, Objekte aus der Sammlung der Stadt Wien. Vienna: Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien, 2003.
  • Joelle Dietrick's paintings, drawings, and animations explore infrastructure, particularly housing, and its manipulation by automated, global economic systems. Her work has been shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville, Transitio_MX in
  • Ren Fah - is a media-artist and researcher working in the field of Cultural Studies/ Critical Theory and Analysis. He received his PhD. in 2011 from the University of Applied Arts, Vienna. Within the frame of his PhD. project he conducted research
  • Media Art Learning -
    Medienkunst Lernen: Neue Medien im Unterricht Medienkunst Lernen stellt zahlreiche Unterrichtsmodelle ausführlich dar und zeigt auf, wie neue Medien insbesondere in den musisch-kreativen Fächern in verschiedenen Jahrgangsstufen eingesetzt werden
  • Demonstrate -
    The project, timed to coincide with the 40th Anniversary of the Free Speech Movement attracted over 4000 online participants from around the world. The resulting archive of 1200 photos and textual comments offers a portrait of public space as viewed
  • Looking for God -
    The origin of the God-idea has always been a hot topic amongst those involved in seeking truth. Creationists will argue that the God-idea is built into us, believing that we were all made in the God's image. Evolutionists will argue that the
  • Anthroposcope Concept Anthroposcope is an interactive installation involving a microscope, a real plant and a fingertip pulse sensor. The heart bit sensor being clipped onto the visitor's fingertip, he or she can explore through the viewfinder of
  • Carlos Katastrofsky a.k.a Michael Kargl (Vienna, Austria) is artist and teacher in the realm of New Media Art. Born 1975, he studied Sculpture at the University "Mozarteum" Salzburg (Austria) with a special focus on Virtual Architecture and
  • Alok b. Nandi, media author/artist, is active in "new media" since 1994. He is working on cross-media projects, in mixed-realities (virtual, augmented, telepresence ...). He is exploring narrative spaces through cinema, photo, video, new media, ...