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  • Reichardt, Jasia, ed. Cybernetics, Art and Ideas. London: Studio Vista, 1971.
  • Whitney, John. Computer Art for the Video Picture Wall Art International XV, no. 7 (September 20th 1971): 35-38.
  • Event: Edinburgh Festival 1971Institution: Edinburgh International FestivalComment:
  • For more than 10 years, Matt Mullican has been continuously developing a sign system which is, on the one hand, a product of his imagination, and on the other, taken directly from everyday life. Signs as they can be found in airports, train
  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Eventstructures In International Symposium on Pneumatic Structures, Delft Universitity of Technology, Delft, edited by Stichting P.D.O.B.Delft, NL: 1972.
  • Gregory Chatonsky is an artist born in Paris in 1971. He currently resides in Montreal and Paris. He holds a philosophy master’s from the Sorbonne and a multimedia advanced degree from the Ecole nationale superieure des beaux-arts in Paris. He has
  • Paul DeMarinis has been working as an electronic composer since 1971 and has created numerous performance works, sound and computer installations and interactive electronic inventions. He has taught computer, video and audio art at Mills College,
  • Arnheim, Rudolf. Anschauliches Denken: Zur Einheit von Bild und Begriff. Köln: DuMont, 1972.
  • Ascott, Roy. Art as an Alternative to Education, or, The Rise of the Jam Factory Art (Society of Canadian Artists) 1, no. 3 (1972): 14 - 16.
  • Smith, Gary William. Aesthetic Paragraphs PAGE. Bulletin of the Computer Arts Society 27 (1972).