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  • Hafner, Cornelius. Die Kathedrale des Krieges Süddeutsche Zeitung (10th October 2001 2001).
  • Artist: Erika SuderburgComment:
  • First Virtual Sudio Live Broadcat of ZKM International Award for Video Art Oct 20 1995
  • Rosa, Suéli and Mirella Lorrainy Altoé and Adson Rocha and DIANA MARIA G DOMINGUES and Ramesh Raskar. Diabetes Ground Control by Reducing Mechanical Impact in diabetic patients Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica (2014).
  • Barral, Xavier and Ryoji Ikeda and Caroline Naphegyi, ed. V =/ L Book. Paris, FR: Editions Xavier Barral, 2008.
  • Event: Sufficient Latitude: Interactive Wood Machines by Bernie LubellInstitution: Williamson GalleryComment:
  • Ray, Tom and Xu Chenmei. Measures of Evolvability in Tierra In Proceedings of the Fifth Int. Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 5th´00), edited by Masanori Sugisaka and Hiroshi TanakaOita, JP: 2000.
  • Mitchell, W. J.. Repräsentation In Was heisst "Darstellen"?, edited by Christiaan L. Nibbrig-HartFrankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 1994.
  • Firebirds
    Flames, suitably modulated by electric fields, can be made to act as omnidirectional loudspeakers of surprising loudness and clarity. Each flame, captive within its cage, recites the words of a famous orator 1935-1936.
  • Arte en Maleta - Ciencia, mi musa. Art in a Suitcase, Aether Gallery, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 2023