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  • Nemo, the robotic fish, is swimming imperturbably in the screen, which is his fish tank as well.

    The robotic cat is sitting in front of the screen and he is watching it as he was looking at a real fish swimming in a real tank. Time to time he gets...
  • click on the base of the tree to write a message
    type a message in the text box
    click outside text box to store message in ribbon
    discard a message in the text box by clicking on the close button in the top left corner
    place ribbon on an empty...
  • Wish
    created by boredomresearch, July 2007
    collection of Computer Fine Arts (Edition No 2)

    The eastern myth says if your wish hangs in the tree it will come true.
    Try your luck submit a wish
  • Level Head -
    levelHead is a spatial memory game by Julian Oliver.

    levelHead uses a hand-held solid-plastic cube as its only interface. On-screen it appears each face of the cube contains a little room, each of which are logically connected by doors.

    In one...
  • Lecture
  • Nature -
    I created Design By Numbers during in a time when getting artists and designers to program the computer was just beginning to become in vogue. I spent most of the earlier half of the 1990's espousing the importance of getting beyond the tools, and...
  • Weave Mirror -
    The mechanical mirrors are made of various materials but share the same behavior and interaction; any person standing in front of one of these pieces is instantly reflected on its surface. The mechanical mirrors all have video cameras, motors and...
  • Opto-Isolator -
    Opto-Isolator (2007: Golan Levin with Greg Baltus) inverts the condition of spectatorship by exploring the questions: "What if artworks could know how we were looking at them? And, given this knowledge, how might they respond to us?" The sculpture...
  • Audience -
    In February 2010, rAndom went to the US to install the first copy of the Audience edition for a private collection. The installation is laid out on a long stretch of a custom designed plywood floor. For the first time it was possible to install it in...
  • Cyclone -
    YCLONE.SOC brings together two contemporary phenomena:

    severe weather, the project uses weather data that charts the emergence and progress of hurricanes.
    the polarized nature of debate that occurs in certain online newsgroup forums.
