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  • ... 'x-ray like' representation of... At the same time, the user is visually...
  • Visualizations for the New York Talk Exchange, a project by the Senseable City Lab at MIT for the MoMA. New York Talk Exchange illustrates the global exchange of information in real time by visualizing volumes of AT&T long distance telephone and IP
  • Animation is an illusion of movement. Movement is based on space and time. SPACE. My work consists of several short animations. Every animation is based on only one photograph. Every photo contains several visual elements, and every photo creates
  • ... by Creative Time, Inc. and the 42nd...
  • Innovation Forum -
    The INNOVATION FORUM is an issue-based interactive multimedia forum on innovation and technology that solicits real-time comments from its viewers. The exhibit features real-time ability for visitors to record and playback audio/video comments.
  • Jaromil, a free software programmer, performer and emigrant, is the author and maintainer of the GNU GPL'd softwares MuSE, FreeJ and Hasciicam, which allow audio streaming and real-time video manipulation, and of the live distribution dyne:bolic
  • Between 0/1 - video
    ... What looks like a miscalculation is a... motion as cubic time, alluding to the...
  • ... sculpture-like groupings. The results...
  • ... offers I would like to accept simply... well. Since that time, I have gradually...
  • ... body is curled up like a fetus with a bowed...