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  • Bureaud, Annick.. Impressions du Brésil Art Press , no. 305 (october 2004).
  • Portrait on the Fly – Video Portraits ©2015, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer represented by: DAM Galerie Berlin, Galerie Charlot Paris GPL contemporary Vienna This is an ongoing digital archive which consists of short video sequences where
  • Event: Memory Dumped, de L’auto-archivage immédiatInstitution: Ecole supérieure d’Art de BretagneComment:
  • Helyer, Nigel. ars electronica, vitae brevis! [].
  • Brew, Kathy. Digital Portfolio Civilization: Magazine of the Library of Congress (Oct.-Nov. 1998): 79.
  • ALE GUZZETTI (Pier Natale Guzzetti, 1953, Milan, Italy) He studied at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan, and he took some University courses in electronic and computer music at the Polytechnic University of Milan and at the Calculate Sonology
  • Brew, Kathy. Through the Looking Glass In Women, Art and Technology, edited by Judy MalloyCambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2003.
  • Event: Open Media Art and Critical Fusion, Contemporary VoicesInstitution: Cathy Brew, School of Visual Arts Comment:
  • Event: Maurice Benayoun’s WorksInstitution: School for Visual Arts, Kathy Brew seminarComment: