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  • The November 1973 issue of Scientific American featured an article titled “The Recognition of Faces” by Bell Labs researcher Leon Harmon that explained how we perceive pixelated digital photographic images. Using a low-resolution, portrait of
  • Pulse Tank -
    Pulse Tank is an Interactive installation where the heart rates of members of the public are detected by sensors and converted into water waves in a ripple tank. A light show is created by the resulting waves and their interaction. To participate,
  • ADA Artist Interview with Victor AcevedoArchive of Digital Art, November 2021Full text and interview by Alejandro Quiñones on ADA: are your current
  • Silhouettes *Iconique* (LICHTPHON / IKONEN 1) Video-Music-Sound-Art-Vision SCHAHRAM POURSOUDMAND Music- & Sound Artist I Composer I Visual Imagist I Poet Format: 16:9/HD Audio: Stereo Length: 9:59 Min. Year: 2019 LICHTPHON is the sound- and
  • Naimark, Michael. Place Runs Deep: Virtuality, Place and Indigenousness In Virtual Museum Symposium, Salzburg, AUT: 1998.
  • Zhan Wang is widely recognized as one of China's leading contemporary artists today. Working in installation, photography and video, his sculpturally informed practice challenges ideas of landscape and environment, addressing the urban, rural,
  • Currently an Assistant Professor developing an electronic art program at Union College in Schenectady, NY, Fernando Orellana uses new and traditional media as a way of transmitting concepts that range from generative art to socialpolitical
  • Künstlerhaus Salzburg, ed. Der pornografische Blick, Ausstellungskatalog. Salzburg: Künstlerhaus Salzburg, 1988.
  • Event: Der pornographische BlickInstitution: Künstlerhaus SalzburgComment:
  • A Gonzalez-Carsolio and AA Velasco-Medina and AL Burbano-Ceron and G Velazquez-Samano. LATEX EXPOSURE AND ALLERGY ANNALS OF ALLERGY ASTHMA & IMMUNOLOGY (NOVEMBER 2012): A82-A82.