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  • La Plissure du Texte -
    ...La Plissure du TexteArtist: Roy AscottComment:
  • Planetary Network -
    ... on three continents participated. The artists worked with computers, video text, slow-scan-TV, and telefax. The live activities...
  • Telenoia -
    What TELENOIA is about is telematic connectivity, mind to mind across the globe. We'll use e.mail like Earn, Bitnet, Internet. We'll use Fax, Telephone of course, ISDN if it's accessible.If we get hold of Videophones or some means of
  • ...Apollo 13Artist: Roy AscottComment:
  • Four Imaginary Walls -
    ... light levels and temperature information, which is fed into a computer which synthesises a real-time virtual 3D environment, based...
  • Wild -
    ... and the local environment sends digitised information to a computer program that synthesises structures based on the type of...
  • Universal Zoologies -
    ... and numinous creatures that have been evolved through a complex process of rule-based selection. These spaces are generated by...
  • Acoustic Environment -
    A collection and exhibition of a disparate yet representative array of machine sounds, analogous to the collection and display of zoological 'samples'. Developed in colaboration with Gary Warner.
  • Eden -
    ... takes about 5 Eden years to discover. Behaviours that are more complex emerge between 7 and 75 Eden years and beyond. Many creatures...
  • Future Garden -
    ...Future GardenArtist: Jon McCormackComment: