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  • ... bill. Using a custom drawing tool, thousands of individuals working in isolation from one another painted a tiny part of the bill...
  • ... the Ecole nationale superieure des beaux-arts in Paris. He has worked on numerous solo and group projects in France, Canada, the...
  • Morel´s Panorama -
    ... the spectator is immersed in, yet never central to, the work. They wander through a field of realtime and recorded...
  • William Kentridge -
    ... offers a retrospective of the artist’s entire body of work, with particular emphasis on his latest pieces. It includes more...
    ... the body and consciousness. Shot in High Definition video, the work is front projected onto a single screen and consists of three...
  • ... their algorithms, are going to control our perception. Our work deals with the study of such relationships to create images from...
  • Nuzzle Afar -
    ..."Nuzzle" is a shared 3D virtual environment art work, using digital networking technology. It realizes a new type of communication space where...
  • A New Life -
    ... novel The New Life. In addition it draws upon a number of works by the early Renaissance Italian painter Mantegna. Although...
  • Mood Swings -
    ... are experienced with the change of sound and color. This work is informed by the artist's study of Indian chakra system...