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  • ... exhibited and broadcast internationally including the Lyon Biennale (1995-96), Kwangju...
  • ... of art and life. Ruller's performances incorporate enviromental art, narrative scripts,...
  • ... may interact.Yuxweluptun's work has been included in numerous international group and solo...
  • ... lighting projects. The studio’s methods incorporate industrial design, digital prototyping,...
  • ... virtual spaces. His interactive works include Removable Reality (1992), which used an...
  • ... academic, design, and artistic venues (including ACM SIGCHI, ACM SIGGRAPH, Industrial...
  • ... numerous private and public collections, including those of the Museum of Modern Art, New...
  • ... ZDF. His media arts and movie credits include the German Video Award by ZKM Karslruhe...
  • ... has been the recipient of numerous prizes including the Kaiserring Prize (2003), the...
  • ... and Interactive Art. His practice has included artistic practice, technical research,...