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  • ... Each artwork can only be known as... to make five very different pieces to hang... display that work forever in their mind? In the Mind’s I is a one-on-one performative art work... sequentially but appreciated finally...
  • ... Each artwork can only be known as... to make five very different pieces to hang... display that work forever in their mind? In the Mind’s I is a one-on-one performative art work... sequentially but appreciated finally...
  • William Kentridge -
    ... and express two distinct but... in several different media... were many reasons for this low profile: the... Though William Kentridge is one of the most compelling...
  • ...Event: Abu Dhabi is Love ForeverInstitution:...
  • ...Event: L’éphémère ForeverInstitution: e-Formes 4,...
  • (W)orld Currency -
    ... algorithm. These two elements indicate how... access across different geo-political... the creative formulation of an equation...
  • ... interactive artwork which pay a special... : their various forms are forged by time,... his hand above one stone, he enters in... Through a poetic approach, Kymapetra is a sonorous...
  •, JR. Pixelware, a sublime forgery exhibition Dazibao...
  • Timeless Universe -
    ... in a way quite different from the mists... his work one can forget just what is... hosts the largest one man show to date of... and physics. My approach is through...