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  • BiosecurityArtist: Eleanor Gates-StuartComment:
  • Enlighten
    EnlightenArtist: Eleanor Gates-StuartComment:
  • Under the Surface -
    Under the SurfaceArtist: Eleanor Gates-StuartComment:
  • Christiane Paul. Expanding Cinema: The Moving Image in Digital Art In Film and Video Art, edited by Stuart ComerLondon: Tate Publishing, 2008.
  • Gates-Stuart, Eleanor and Richard Wohlfeiler. Finger Codes Imprint, Print Council of Australia 46, no. 2 (2011).
  • Nyugen C; Lovell D: Oberprieler R: Jennings D: Adcock M; Gates-Stuart E; LaSalle J:. Virtual 3D Models of Insects for Accelerated Quarantine Control International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV (2013).
  • Parker, Kayla and Stuart Moore. On Location: landscape cinema and digital memory AVANCA | CINEMA 2017 (July 2017): 251-255.
  • Moore, Stuart and Kayla Parker. Father-land Layers of Visibility (October 2018): 79 to 90.
  • Student project -
    Event: Student projectInstitution: UCLAComment:
  • Student project -
    Event: Student projectInstitution: UCLAComment: