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  • Petite Terre -
    ...The work is made up of a small natural environment. Four small speakers are hidden under the leaves of the vegetation which covers most of the...
  • ... its manipulation by automated, global economic systems. Her work has been shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville,...
  • ... Christopher Bauder (born 1973) started working in the field of interactive installation art after finishing his studies in the Digital Media...
  • Trapped rocket -
    ... to a large screen for the duration of the exhibition. This work is inspired by some ideas expressed in Paul Virilio's 'Vision...
  • ... so that they will always be assembled in a new way. The work was adapted in 2008 for the exhibition Strom des Vergessens at...
  • [in time time] -
    ...time] is an installation involving large digital prints and two new media works: a split-screen video titled [8-bits], and a context aware,...
  • ... minds is not just US policy, but NATO policy, we can see it at work in every conflict in which NATO members have a stake; in every...
  • plastic trade-off -
    ... light flows which reflect this global system in a dynamic work of art. The coordinates of selected places of the market system...
  • .. his artistic development between research in the humanities, multi-sensory engineering and collaborative practice in the fields of digital art and theatre ..
  • ...RESPONSIVE WORKBENCH : THINKING BY HAND 1993 The Responsive Workbench is an evolution of the interactive table interface in Berlin-Cyber City,...