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  • Unreal -
    The debut exhibition "Unreal" will begin on 19 May 2017 and will revolve around epistemological issues. How is reality structured? Is it at all still possible to distinguish between simulated and authentic worlds? How intelligent are artificial
  • ... she receives from stealing is erotic....
  • TraceEncounters is a social network tracking and visualization project. It was debuted September 3 in Linz, Austria at the 2004 Ars Electronica festival. White circles connect cliques of size greater than 3 when the user clicks the 'Find cliques'
  • For the opening night of the #HYPERLINK festival on 26th April 2013, Alex May debuted a 75 minute ‘Painting With Light’ live video mapping art performance in the South Tank at Tate Modern, London. Using his own custom software, Alex creates scenes
  • Pulse Park -
    In Pulse Park, evening visitors to Madison Square Park have their systolic and diastolic activity measured by a sensor sculpture installed at the North end of the Oval Lawn. These biometric rhythms are translated and projected as pulses of
  • Survey of Prints -
    ... on paper created from the 1970s to the...
  • Farkas, Solange and Teté Martinho, ed. VIDEOBRASIL Três décadas de vídeo, arte, encontros e transformações. 2015 th ed.São Paulo, Brasil: dições Sesc São Paulo, 2015.
  • Machado, Arlindo and Walter et al. Zanini, ed. Made in Brazil:três décadas do vídeo brasileiro. ISBN 85.85291-37-0, São Paulo: Itaú Cultural, 2003.
  • FLUflux -
    ... We used data from the US Bureau of...
  • Alcalá Mellado, José Ramón and Virginia Paniagua. Metáforas visuales de la ciudad digital actual, dos décadas después In La ciudad Digital; esperanzas, riesgos y desilusiones en las redes., edited by Col. Estudios #145, 157-190. Cuenca, Spain: