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  • Kae Woods aka Kin / Cultura Plasmic INC is a PhD researcher and multi-pseudonymous artist at the University of Newcastle in Fine Art/Digital Media, with a focus on Digital Fatalism and how algorithmic technologies interplay with agency and the
  • Vacuum formed plexi-glass, light projection Series (6): Tooth, Eyelash, Skin, Hair, Tooth v.2, Nail Dim: 80 x 90 cm (each) This series of relief light-sensitive works was conceived on the basis of computer-modified microscopic images of particles of
  • This project was a conceptual plan made as a contribution to the exhibition Seamless Media. It describes a networked installation that develops the technological and aesthetic strategies first explored in Televirtual Chit Chat (1993) and
  • Heavens Gate as a video installation was first shown in the neoclassical stairwell of Felix Meritis. In other exhibition spaces the work usually occupies a specially constructed completely dark room. The video image is projected over the whole
  • Adrianne Wortzel has worked in the field of robotic and telerobotic art for over five decades. Her works combine historic and cultural perspectives with fictive narrative to deploy that considered mix in several genres: robotic and telerobotic
  • Rara Avis -
    ... which looks like a rare bird, take...
  • ... sculptures looks like instruments which...
  • In her VR piece, The Parallel Dimension, Teresa Wennberg based her work concept on a realistic form language combined with highly sophisticated texture maps. There is a clear relation to her earlier works in 2- and 3-dimensional computer animation
  • Elastic Surgery -
    ... The mirror acts like a true mirror, with...