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  • ... as sound, text, and moving image, and incorporating various technologies such as...
  • ... in the role of the expanded narrative (as incorporating an active created or controlled...
  • Home Transnfer -
    ... Architects). A discussion is launched incorporating the public sphere via the Internet.
  • ... mapping and representation of sound, the incorporation of site-specific conditions and...
  • .. Her art works reflect on urbanity and community as seen through digital media and have been exhibited worldwide at festivals and museums..
  • Camouflage -
    ... of the lake, performs a symbolic incorporation of culture into nature.
  • 60 -
    ... some time, the overall amplitude would increase so that more focussed exploration was...
  • ... 52 countries. This corresponds to an increase in numbers without parallel in recent...
  • ... translation and amplification is meant to increase the breath’s salience and legibility,...
  • Recycle a Boeing -
    ... e-waste situation in London. With increasing numbers of aircraft flying over the...