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  • Dans les projets de conception d’exposition, je m’efforce de considérer la scénographie comme une composante significative du message véhiculé par le projet muséographique. Nous sommes en effet passés d’une époque où le muséographe avait
  • la huella -
    la huella, 2010 iMac, Quartz Composer, microphone, projector, 200 x 150 cm La huella is a generative work that evolves in a loop of creation, adaptation and destruction. It is a reflection on survival and evolution in nature, a neverending
  • In September 1989, for the second time Osnabrück hosted the European Media Art Festival, a forum that aimed to show and create free artistic spaces. Against the backdrop of media history, the intention of EMAF was to critically reflect upon the
  • In this interactive installation the visual and auditory components of the work were interconnected and closely related. A finely perforated projection screen was visibly divided into sixteen sections. Behind each section was a speaker connected to
  • International arts collective founded by Verónica Peráles, Fred Adam and Andy Deck, concerned with ecology, sustainability, and media. Since its formation in 2001 it has produced a series of critically acclaimed works and exhibitions under the
  • Composition on the Table (1998/99) is comprised of four white tables bearing physical interface components: switches, dials, and turntables. Computer graphics images are projected onto the tables from ceiling-mounted video projectors, and
  • Herzogenrath, Wulf and Edith Decker, ed. Video-Skulptur retrospektiv und aktuell - 1963-1989. Ostfildern-Ruit: DuMont Reiseverlag, 1989.
  • Decker-Phillips, Edith and Peter Weibel, ed. Vom Verschwinden der Ferne. Telekommunikation und Kunst. Köln: DuMont Reiseverlag, 1990.
  • Paik, Nam June. Brief an Dr. Steinecke In Niederschriften eines Kulturnomaden. Aphorismen. Briefe. Texte, edited by Edith Decker, 51-53. Köln: DuMont, 1992.
  • Alexander Hahn and Edith Decker and Pavel Meyer. Rats/Ratten, 72 p. German/English. Berlin: DAAD Galerie, 1994.