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  • ... set the brightness of the piece and turn it on and off. Video courtesy of the artist and bitforms gallery nyc. of the piece and turn it on and off. Video courtesy of the artist and bitforms gallery nyc.
  • ... at the NW Film Forum in Seattle. His recent work interactive video installation “The Royal Road Project” has shown at Aqua Art as... Ethan Bach is internationally known for his media art which is primarily in immersive and interactive media. Bach received an MFA in Electronic...
  • ... audience in space is constant while new data (sounds, digital video and stills) being ingested by the "body" while in therenovated... There are seven levels to this Ruhr Body. The participant descends through the fluidiom fabrics filled with data that...
  • ...In Telematic Dreaming (1992) a live telematic video installation linking two sites first exhibited at the legendary Koti Exhibition in Kajaani,... Their techno-aesthetic language is unique and has brought this artist duo great popularity. The traditional rhetorical technique of...
  • ... including painting, sculpture, photography, installation, video, digital, and performance art. It features established artists... This is the first significant survey of contemporary American art to explore critical issues related to women's health. Inside Out Loud...
  • ... also as a dynamic projection surface. this is achieved with video mapping, which involves a real-time analysis of the triangles’... For the installation the logos central diagonal part had been sliced up into 48 triangles. The triangles hanging on...
  • Room for Manoeuvre -
    ... a specially designed audio-visual installation including four video projections, 'Room for Manoeuvre' presents four 'vehicles' of... advanced network and media projects since the founding of the artist group in 1991. In a specially designed audio-visual...
  • ... Information Science since 1988 and has been involved in the Video and New Media program at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design... Franc Solina is an artist and computer scientist. He has been teaching at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science since 1988 and has...
  • ... she has mostly been working on numerous media art projects on video, multimedia and Information Society technologies. In 1995 got... Tiia Johannson was a media artist, educator and researcher based in Tallinn, Estonia. Her background was in fine arts and moving image,...
  • ... (mapple veneer) are sublimated through a virtual and luminous videoprojection. Heat contacts of spectators leave sonorous and... The interactive artwork " Ecorces" invites to virtually hollow out memories and layers inside the flesh of wood. The notion of "écorces" (barks)...