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  • Four participants enter into a small, closed off, pitch black dark room. The room houses a large architectural construction: 4, 1 x 6 meter long tunnels outfitted with a series of taught, fabric muslin screens. The rear screen is solid while the
    Chronopolis consists of a 10 x 10 meter square floor-projected interface that visitors walk over. The computer generated interface displays days, hours, minutes and seconds grids over which four animated pictograms representing these time elements
  • TGarden is a responsive media environment in which small groups of participants from the general public influenced and played with real-time-generated sound and image through improvised movement and gesture. Visitors to the environment —which
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    Sauna_01 #1, realized at the San Francisco Electronic Music Festival 2000, consists of a 10 x 14' enclosed room within which is positioned a 4 x 8' tank-a half cylinder resembling what Sponge termed a "cargo cult MRI chamber." The Sauna tube is
  • M2 video
    Overall, the event is cyclical; however, the groups spend variable amounts of time going through the chambers. The immersion room is the only area of the environment where visitors are allotted a fixed time. Also, each group of spectators contains
  • n-Polytope -
    n-Polytope. Behaviours in Light and Sound after Iannis Xenakis is a spectacular light and sound environment combining cutting edge lighting, lasers, sound, sensing and artificial intelligence software technologies inspired by composer Iannis
  • Christopher Salter is a media artist, performance director and composer/sound designer based in Montreal, Canada and Berlin, Germany. His artistic and research interests revolve around the development and production of real time,
  • Salter, Chris. Entangled: Technology and the Transformation of Performance. Cambridge, MASS: The MIT Press, 2010.
  • Salter, Chris and Karmen Franinovic. The Poetics of Sonic Interaction Design In Sonic Interaction Design: Process and Products, edited by Karmen Franinovic and Stefania SerafinCambrigde, MA: The MIT Press, 2013.
  • Salter, Chris. Timbral Architecture | Aurality´s Force: Music and Sound in the Choreographies of William Forsythe In William Forsythe and the Practice of Choreography, edited by Steven SpierLondon, UK: Routledge Press, 2010.