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  • Acevedo presented a 10-year retrospective survey of his Electronic Visual Music works and one pre-recorded AV performance. On opening night he performed two LIVE mix video AV sets along with Modular Synth musician called James Allen (J3m5).
  • Evolution of Fish -
    Evolution of Fish is an augmented reality large projection that turns the surroundings--outside on building facades, or inside on gallery walls--into an underwater reef, filled with schools of fish. Visitors can use iPads to guide the fish around
  • Mostra Passageiros -
    A mostra Passageiros levou a videoarte para dentro do MASM (Museu de Arte de Santa Maria - RS). A mostra foi uma realização da Galeria Mamute, com o apoio do PPGART/UFSM, Labart e do PPGAV/UFRGS. Esta foi a primeira, de uma série de mostras de
  • ... the Freedom from Debt Coalition and...
  • Professora Adjunta no Departamento de Desenho Industrial/UFSM (2015-). Profª Colaboradora junto ao PPGART/UFSM (2017). Doutora em Artes Visuais pelo PPGAV/ UFRGS (2012 - 2016), em História, Teoria e Crítica de Arte, na linha de pesquisa Relações
  • Ellen Pearlman, Alessandro Carboni, Deborah Leah Lawler-Dormer, Audrey Samson, James Charlton, Minka Stoyanova, Lea Muldtofte Olsen,Mitra Azar, Fran Gallardo. Capture All Datafied Research, Transmediale PhD Workshop, Hong Kong
  • La Machine à idées -
    Sur un site de vente de produits high tech, la possibilité offerte au visiteur de participer à la conception de nouveaux produits avec l'aide active d'une interface de création, cataliseur d'innovation. conception: Maurice Benayoun design:
  • ... community he learned how to perform and... edit that ranges from tight synch to a...
  • SeeBanff! - video
    SEE BANFF! is an interactive stereoscopic installation. It bears a strong - and intentional - resemblance to an Edison kinetoscope, which made its public debut one hundred years ago in April 1894. It achieved instant popularity, but was short-lived.
  • ... takes its title from a Ghanaian proverb:...