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  • Event: Innovation Forum ExhibitInstitution: The Tech Museum of InnovationComment:
  • Siggraph’93, Anaheim, CA: »Machine Culture«
  • An exploration of the relationship between the real and the virtual, new media and other artistic traditions. The artworks presented will explore sound, image and interactivity using a range of digital media, including 3D modelling, digital audio
  • In Conversation -
    In November 1997, on Duke Street in Brighton, passers-by encountered an animated mouth projected onto the pavement. Through loudspeakers they could also hear a voice trying to strike up a conversation (the voice was made up of text to speech
  • Event: Shadow Dance: Eclipse ExhibitInstitution: Chabot Space and Science CenterComment:
  • Event: Hyperkult 10: Spiel-Welten: Theorien, Regeln, InterfacesInstitution: Universität...
  • Event: Galeries ContemporainesInstitution: Centre Georges PompidouComment:
  • Profile Intermedia 4 -
    International Designconference and exhibition. Topic: motion e)motion emotion.
  • Event: MuuMedia Festival 1998Institution: Otso GalleryComment:
  • Event: Ground Zero ExhibitionInstitution: The Tech Museum of InnovationComment: