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  • TeamWorkStation -
    ... realtime shared drawing space for geographically distributed...
    ... that suddenly illuminates the space, everyday images of people...
  • ... and an online work "Personal Space" that matches diary entries to...
  • Mobile Unit - video
    ... which can be set up in any space without a direct Internet...
  • ... presents volumes and data in space as a low resolution full depth...
  • Virtual Orchestra -
    ... acoustic environments (open space, concert hall, church) and pieces...
  • 60 -
    ... evaluation board. I divided the space of the hallway into 64 regions (I...
  • The Telegarden -
    ... social interaction and community in virtual space. The Telegarden... and community in virtual space. The Telegarden is a metaphor for...
  • Forced Leisure -
    ... “Forced Leisure” offers a safe space, a leisure cocoon for doing nothing....
  • ... of ‘lost ones’ in a virtual space that represents a severe state of...