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  • The goal was to save video material threatened with disappearance and to rescue forgotten material. The project succeeded in retrieving a large number of videos from the 1960s and 1970s, believed lost, from artists, estates, and museum storerooms;
  • "All American: Defining Ourselves in a Time of Change" features 13 contemporary artists, both national and regional artists. All ask that same question.
  • Soundcities -
    Description of Soundcities project. This interactive website called allows the audience as creative user the possibility to remix the hundreds of samples recorded from around the world and then save their own mix. Soundcities is
  • JND is a new series of multimedia installations that explores the concept of just noticeable difference. The first project, Semblance, is an interactive installation exploring the phenomenon of cross modal perception - the ways in which one sense
  • Air XY is an interactive multimedia installation commissioned by the 11th Annual Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale in 2008. The installation combines real time animation, sensors, fog, light and sound to explore the way hidden systems
  • Tina Sauerlaender (she/her) is an art historian, curator, speaker and writer. She holds a PhD from The University of Arts, Linz, Austria. The title of her dissertation is PERFORMING IDENTITIES. Self-Representation in Art from the Renaissance to
  • Made In China -
    Made in China: Return of the Soul is a 90 minute dance-theater adaptation and revisioning of Tang Xianzu's Peony Pavilion, one of the most famous plays in all of classical Chinese literature and drama. The story of Du Liniang, the 16 year old
    Part II is a live dance theater performance with master improviser and former William Forsythe/Ballett Frankfurt dancer Michael Schumacher. During the fifty minute work, the spectators experience a person undergoing the traumatic transformation of
  • Nomad: The River is a 60 minute dance theater work created in collaboration with Chinese born, New York-based choreographer Yin Mei. The work is a haunting evocation of the choreographer's experience growing up in the political hysteria of the
    Part I is a thirty-six minute audio/visual performance exploring the experience undergone at the threshold of the dissolution of the body and consciousness. Shot in High Definition video, the work is front projected onto a single screen and consists